Injectable treatment for early hip arthritis
Knee and Hip arthritis are considered as one of the main causes of functional disability in humans. The patient with arthritis is suffering not only from the persistent pain, stiffness and limited mobility, moreover, it also directly affects their quality of life.
Recommendations for osteoarthritis hip treatment & knee and management includes non-pharmacological such as patient education and awareness, physical exercise and rehabilitation aids.
The pharmacological modalities vary from prescription of non-selective NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and selective COX-2 inhibitors agents and in some cases even opioid type medication. NSAIDs are the most prescribed medicine for osteoarthritis. Despite NSAIDs established effectiveness in relieving the pain with osteoarthritis, its long-term use is associated with potentially harmful adverse effects.
The other potential non-operative therapeutic methods are chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, and intra-articular injections of visco-supplements, corticosteroids, or blood-derived products. Over the last decades, there is an ongoing trend to use Intra-articular injections of either corticosteroids, analgesics/anti-inflammatory drugs, polymerized collagen, anti-cytokine drugs, or hyaluronic acid as alternative modalities to maximize the topical effect and minimize the systemic adverse effects. Each injection has been shown to lower the pain in patients in some form, though hyaluronic acid treatments using Duralane® seem to be amongst the safest and effective.
Indications for Duralane®
DUROLANE® is indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip in patients who have failed to respond adequately to simple pain relief and conservative management.
What is Duralane?
DUROLANE® is a viscous gel of highly purified, stabilized, non-animal-derived sodium hyaluronate that is made using bacterial fermentation. Technology is used to stabilize naturally entangled hyaluronic acid (HA) chains to produce a gel.
What are the Benefits of Duralane?
A single injection of DUROLANE® provides a benefit for pain reduction in patients with osteoarthritis in the hip for up to 26 weeks.

Post Injection Instructions
Temporary pain or swelling of the injected joint may occur after the injection with DUROLANE®.
Patient’s should avoid any strenuous activities or prolonged (i.e. more than an hour) weight bearing activities within 48 hours following their injection.
Potential Side Effects
The most common side effect, being a transient acute post-injection local joint irritation. Injection related inflammation (synovitis) can be observed in approximately 5–10% of individuals undertaking this treatment, but these reactions are characteristically temporary without longer-term clinical effects.
Consulting Locations
Richmond VIC 3121
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
343-357 Blackburn Rd,
Mt. Waverley VIC 3149
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Book Online at Waverley Private Hospital
Blackburn VIC 3130
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Book Online at Forest Hill
Gisborne VIC 3437
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Book Online at Gisborne
262 Main St,
Mornington VIC 3931
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Book Online at Mornington
108 Bridport Street,
Albert Park VIC 3206
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Book Online at Albert Park
240 Hoppers Lane,
Werribee VIC 3030
Book a consultation on:
(03) 9428 4128
Make an appointment with our Melbourne orthopaedic surgeons
If you are a patient suffering from a knee or hip issue, you can get a referral and make an appointment with a surgeon at PJS Orthopaedics at a time and location that suits you.
Whether your knee or hip injury is a result of playing sport, has come about because of trauma injury, or is simply due to wear and tear, our Melbourne surgeons have the experience and expertise to find a surgery solution that is right for you.