The 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (ISHA 2023) will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC 1) in Cape Town, South Africa, from Thursday 5 – Saturday 7 October 2023, with pre-course activities on Wednesday 4th October.

We are delighted to be holding the ISHA ‘23 for the first time on the African continent, the cradle of humankind. Following the spirit of ISHA and our global representation, the scientific program will be structured around the seven rings in presenting the seven continents united by scientific education.

The programme will focus on the best and latest science and will aim to accommodate the needs and interests of everyone, from scientists, and medical doctors from different specialities to allied health professionals, and all with mutual interest and hip preservation.

The Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) is ISHA’s flagship event, bringing together worldwide arthroscopic and open hip surgeons, hip preservation and rehabilitation professionals to share the latest knowledge and experience in the field of hip preservation surgery and rehabilitation.
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