The seventh ring, “nutrition, well-being and rehabilitation of the elite athlete and others”, places the focus on increasing the chances of positive outcomes for patients, and ISHA welcomes the contributions of physiotherapists, coaches, conditioning experts, psychologists and dieticians, alongside those of surgeons and elite athlete and general sports physicians.
Scientific Programme
The ISHA 2023 Surgical Scientific Programme will be structured around the 7 Olympic Rings to represent the 7 continents from around the world, united by scientific education. The topics will be framed around 7 core topics, which include:

1. Patient Assessment and Pre-operative Planning

2. Role of Biologics in Hip Preservation

3. Patient Education

4. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

5. Arthroscopic Surgery

6. Open Hip Surgery

7. Nutrition, Well-being and Rehabilitation of the Elite Athlete and Others

Event Details: ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 Scientific Programme Committee Kick-Off Meeting

WHEN: 5-7 October 2023

WHERE: Cape Town, South Africa

Programme Chair: Mr Parminder Singh
Host Chair: Dr Josip “Chuck” Cakic